Institutional Development and Governance:
Initially, the RAC-Bangladesh forms primary groups at village level. The groups gradually become village group and ultimately turn into Community Based Organization (CBO). RAC-Bangladesh provided support to the CBOs for implementing the community based development initiatives, disaster response and linkage with GO-NGOs and also developing capacity for take part in local level decision making process. A branch management committee formed at Branch level with the representatives from all of groups of the Branch. Central level federation formed at RAC-Bangladesh organization level and they nominate their representatives for General committee of RAC-Bangladesh. One of them represent in Executive committee. Ownership of primary group has been given though this process.
Life skill and Entrepreneurship Development:
As part of employment creation of youth RAC-Bangladesh provide technical and vocational training to the youth for creating employment and entrepreneurship, during the reporting period RAC-Bangladesh provides life skill and vocational training to young and also developed entrepreneurs as individual and group-wise providing capitals, technical and materials support based on their interest, choice and local market demand. Simultaneously, RAC-Bangladesh developed with a view to market management developed linkage different producers with buyers, wholesalers, traders, money lenders, retailers. As a result developed value chain and market linkage in remotest haor area and entrepreneurs and producers are getting fair price.
Micro-Financing and Income Generating Program:
implementing micro-financing and Income Generating Program (IGP) in Kishoreganj with a view to poverty alleviation and food security and livelihood through financial capacity development of family, employment creation and income generating activities (IGA). It is important and long term program of RAC-Bangladesh where organized project participants into groups, created saving fund, provided different training on IGA and loan for starting various income generating activities. RAC-Bangladesh provide different category of financial support to the Poor, Moderate poor and medium entrepreneurs as per criteria and need. Awareness raising, health support and Social development initiatives are taken by RAC-Bangladesh staffs in primary groups.
Women Empowerment and Gender Based Violence (GBV):
Women empowerment is one of our major strategic issues. In our working area women are still remaining backward position comparing with others. Considering this, organization has given importance to women empowerment both at organization and community level where women empowerment considered as cross-cutting issue in developing policy guidelines. RAC-Bangladesh considers women as primary stakeholders and given priority women ownership during input distribution, given condition to be enrollment as primary stakeholder they must have to play important role for stopping violence against women. As a part of this, has been accelerated the process of women empowerment and their leadership through their mental and economic development, assisted to resource mobilization, ensuring their liberty in opinion and access to decision making process.
Formal and Non-formal Education:
One of the mandates and priority areas of the Organization is to ensure quality Education and increasing Literacy rate in working areas. To ensure quality education for children of poor families specially, in Haor areas, RAC-Bangladesh introduced both Formal, Non-formal Primary and Secondary education. During reporting period, organization has provided both reading and writing materials, activated School Management Committees (SMC), formed Teachers-Parents Forums (TPF) and provided assistance to infrastructure development in order to continue education during and after disaster especially in Haor areas.
Child rights and protection:
RAC-Bangladesh is formulating a realistic and achievable child protection policy, focusing on the basics of reducing child poverty, reducing child mortality, improving health, ensuring education, stopping child abuse, stopping child marriages, reducing child labor, and preventing child trafficking. Which every employee, beneficiary, stakeholder associated with the organization will comply with the utmost care and contribute to the protection of the rights of children. The agency shall not employ or engage in any work under the age of 18 years and shall ensure the education of all working children under the age of 18 years in the work area and shall not engage in any form of abuse, sexual harassment, insults, unprofessional conduct on children. If any employee, volunteer, beneficiary or any stakeholder working in the organization is involved in any criminal activity not covered in the policy, then the rules described in the policy will be applicable to him. Above all, everyone must work together to establish children’s rights. The child will be given a separate positive look at the main family. Through awareness, prevention, reporting and response activities, human rights organizations will ensure the rights of children and the protection of children. Increase the awareness of all staff and others about child abuse and its risks through the best and maximum use of this policy, reduce the risk of child abuse through the awareness and morality of staff and others, clear ideas and actions to be taken by staff and others when child safety issues are raised. Assist the child in case of concern and ensure safety.
Health & Nutrition and WASH:
The overall health and nutrition status are very poor in Haor and river basin areas. Organization has been implementing health and nutrition activities for Haor dwellers considering their minimum access to health services. Family is considered as unit for providing all kinds of health services in a holistic approach. Nutrition status is also very poor in Haor areas. Children, elderly people, pregnant mother and lactating mother are more sufferers from malnutrition. In order to improve overall nutrition status at Haor areas. RAC-Bangladesh also work on improvement of Water and Sanitation facilities and promotion of Hygiene practices at community and institutional level.
Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Resilience:
As the Organization works with the community in disaster prone areas and disaster management issues have been mainstreaming with other projects, so organization has been implementing its